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Lost in Light is a videoblog about small gauge filmmaking featuring weekly posts of home movies, work by artists, articles by preservationists and film scholars, video tutorials and other film gems.




Across mountains and valleys

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This week, some great shots of huge turtles, a snoozing alligator, Mt. Rushmore, and vistas of the Grand Canyon. All from our contributor Ashima, who adds this:

My mama had a hard time remembering the year, but she thinks it is 1977. I do clearly remembering waking up that alligator in my little brown suit. I didn’t want to get mud on it! We took this trip from Chicago to California and these were some stops along the way. I think the trading post at the end of the video is the Hubbell Trading Post, a national historic site. Honestly, I have no idea where the turtle and alligator were located. I asked my mama and she cannot remember either. BUT, doesn’t that guy look like Steve Irwin only skinnier? I doubt it was him…

The Hubbell Trading Post is the oldest operating trading post in the Navajo Nation of the U.S., located in Northeastern Arizona.

For high-resolution footage of this film and more, click the “MPEG-2” link above to access the Internet Archive.


Comment from Ashima Saigal
Time: May 21, 2008, -5

My brother is wearing his favorite yellow shirt with the Charlie’s Angels on it! These videos are so much fun to watch. Thanks again for posting them!

Comment from Jose
Time: June 9, 2009, -5

fantastic footage, i recognise the empty camera case the little girl is carrying it’s to a Canon 518SV Autozoom super 8, great video.

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